One-Minute Read: Promoting the Perks of Print Newspaper Advertising
Dec 20, 2024

The right image helps illustrate the advantages of print newspaper advertising.
"A creative stream of fresh marketing themes and engaging images help a community paper successfully target new and returning advertiser revenue," Direct Mailer Publisher Gregg Knowles said.
Knowles knows how important it is to keep his marketing message top of mind for local advertisers, and he doesn’t shy away from stepping on the toes of competitors when touting the advantages of print advertising in his publication.
Knowles recently contacted Metro through the Requests & Feedback link to ask for custom artwork that illustrates how frustrating it must be for an advertiser to pay for radio, only to have the station change before consumers can hear it.
Metro supplied the design, and Knowles used it to create the “radio skip” ad featured on this page. He cites Metro as his go-to source when searching for ideas and images to accompany his latest marketing theme, and says almost all of his marketing ads exclusively use Metro art.
The Direct Mailer relies heavily on house ads in their printed products to sell advertising. They run these ads whenever space allows, as paid advertising dictates their page count. The layouts vary from one-quarter to full-page sizes.
The Direct Mailer’s combination of marketing and direct outreach by sales staff to business owners and decision-makers has been effective and profitable. The publication also runs self-promotion ads on the back of their mailed statements to advertisers.
Knowles says, “These obviously reach current customers, but whatever the message is, it is always one that can never be told too often.”