Through the viewfinder — second quarter 2020
Apr 1, 2020

Vibrant colors and hard-to-capture action caught judges’ eyes in each category of the winning photographs entered in the Second Quarter 2020 Pub Aux Photo contest.
Dylan Kelley of The Herald of Randolph (Vermont), won the News category with his photograph of fire fighters from four towns battling an apartment building blaze pre-dawn.
Jayson Mellom of The New Times (San Luis Obispo, California) topped the Feature category for his photograph of visitors gathered to photograph a Morro Bay, California, sunset.
Richard Johnson of The Wickenburg (Arizona) Sun captured first place Sports photo for his shot of a bronco rider’s tough luck.
The first-place winners in each category receive personalized coffee mugs featuring a winning photo or a print of their photo.
Pub Aux Contest Rules
The contest is open to any photographer employed by or freelancing for an NNA member newspaper. A photographer may submit one photo per category, per contest. There is no cost to enter.
Photos must be from within a year of the close of the contest (June 19, 2019–June 19, 2020). Submit a TIFF or JPEG.
Each entry must have the name of the photographer, newspaper name (including city and state), date of publication and cutline information.
Indicate the category the photo will compete in: News, Features or Sports. Deadline for the next contest is June 19, 2020. The winners will appear in the July 2020 issue. By entering, you agree that Publishers’ Auxiliary has the right to publish the photo(s). Email entries to